A become a masterer gardener in georgia is the perfect place to enjoy those hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer. Whether it’s the smell of a fresh cut rose, the taste of a tomato or blackberry, the feel of the sun on your skin, or the sight of your hard work taking shape, a good garden can bring joy for a lifetime.
Many new gardeners have contacted Master Gardener Extension Volunteers for recommendations during the pandemic and continue to seek advice and guidance on selecting, growing and maintaining horticultural plants for ornamental value, recreation and food production. Last year Georgia Master Gardener volunteers logged over 180,000 volunteer hours in communities across the state, disseminating information on the selection and care of plants that are important to the gardeners’ well-being, including flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits and berries.
Georgia’s Green Thumb: How to Become a Certified Master Gardener in the Peach State
Becoming a master gardener in georgia is not just about volunteering your gardening expertise, but also learning about the horticultural practices and issues that are important to your community. The University of Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program provides intensive horticultural training in exchange for a commitment to serve the local community through volunteer efforts.
To become a Master Gardener, you must apply to your local county’s UGA Cooperative Extension office and meet certain requirements. The application process varies by county and is handled by each participating office, but generally involves a brief interview and completing an educational class on horticultural topics. Once you are accepted into the Master Gardener program, you become a Master Gardener Intern and agree to fulfill 40 volunteer hours in 2 years with a variety of projects related to your gardening interests and the needs of the community.