Post-2015 Goals for Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is a concept that promotes the use of resources in a way that is not detrimental to the environment. It aims to create sustainable growth that does not deplete natural resources, and that is beneficial for the present and future generations.

It also aims to ensure that the natural resources and other ecosystems are protected from destruction and pollution. It is also important to preserve biodiversity, as it can help maintain the ecological balance of the planet and protect the ecosystems that sustain all living organisms on Earth.

There are 17 goals that have been identified in the post-2015 agenda for sustainable development. These goals cover a wide range of areas, from ending poverty and hunger to improving education and reducing inequality.

Goal 1: End Poverty, Inequality and Hunger

This goal focuses on addressing the issues of poverty and the related social injustices. It is based on the principle that people should be given access to basic necessities like food, clean water and shelter. It also aims to improve health and ensure that children are educated.

Goal 2: Improve Health and Nutrition

This is another key goal of the SDGs, as it aims to improve life expectancy and reduce rates of disease and premature death. It also aims to ensure that all people have access to clean water and sanitation, as well as quality health services.

Goal 3: Sustainable Consumption and Production

This pillar aims to promote more responsible consumption and production practices that minimise waste. It also involves encouraging a more responsible use of resources, including renewable ones. It encourages the use of biodegradable and recycled materials, promoting the consumption of less-toxic products, and encouraging the recycling of goods and services.

Goal 4: Quality Education

This is an important goal for the SDGs, as it aims at ensuring that all people have access to high-quality education. It is also a vital step towards achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls.

Goal 5: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls

This goal is also important for the SDGs, as it focuses on ensuring that women and girls have full and productive employment and economic growth. It also aims at reducing inequality within and among countries.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

This pillar of the SDGs aims to ensure that all people have access, both now and in the future, to affordable and modern energy sources. It is also aimed at fostering industrialisation and innovation.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

This is an important goal of the SDGs, as it is aimed at promoting more inclusive and sustainable economic growth. It also aims at ensuring that all people have full and productive employment and economic growth.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

This is another key goal of the SDGs, since it aims at building resilient infrastructure and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation. It is also aimed at boosting the global economy.

The SDGs were launched at the United Nations in September 2015, and are a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). There are a total of 17 goals that cover a wide range of areas, from increasing the availability of clean water and sanitation to improving health and tackling climate change.

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